Now that I'm in the education field, I'm looking forward to Microsoft's new product "Microsoft Student 2006". Think of it as Encarta plus homework templates plus a graphing calculator.
Here's information from http://www.academicsuperstore.com/market/marketdisp.html?PartNo=735440
Microsoft Student 2006 (Shipping Early July)
Microsoft Student 2006 is a new tool designed to make doing homework--long a source of mental anguish for students--less about headaches and more about learning. It is a cross between Microsoft's online Encyclopedia Encarta, a customizable search engine, and its Office productivity suite--geared specifically to the needs of students.
Features include:
Learning Essentials
Provides tools, templates and tutorials for the application students use most, like Microsoft Office (MS Word, Excel & PowerPoint), to help students create high quality reports and presentations. (Requires Office XP, Office 2003 or Office Student & Teacher 2003).
Graphing/Scientific Calculator Software
Full-feature graphing calculator helps students visualize and solve math and science problems.
Web Companion
Provides editorially approved content without launching additional applications when students search for information on the Internet.
Online Math Homework Help
Step-by-step tutorials help students solve math questions representing specific problems taken directly from popular math textbooks used in schools.
Encarta Encyclopedia
With smart searching, students can instantly find rich, reliable, and up-to-date content on practically any subject.
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